Evaluations and feedback

Hearing what you need to be told - not what you want to hear: evaluations and feedback

Italian Trulli

You might have weekly or bi-weekly meetings with the 'boss', or not. During these meetings you might get feedback, or not. You will usually get a mid-term evaluation and an end-of-term evaluation. Some companies have formal eval processes as well. Some don't. Tis a mixed bag.

There are things you can and should do before a semi-formal or formal evaluation, and you should probably do a self-evaluation monthly as part of your reflections. Your employer/supervisor might also ask for you to do a self-evaluation in advance and submit it before the evaluation meeting. When doing your self-evaluations, it is important to be honest, be self-aware, and think using a growth mindset, use a continuous improvement approach to yourself. It does not hurt to admit to mistakes and oopsies. What you need to do is understand the cause of the mistake and have a plan for how to avoid.

Prior to getting feedback (pre-midterm eval)

Receiving performance related feedback (midterm & final eval)

Italian Trulli

Acting on feedback, reflecting (post midterm & final eval)

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